
This can be a little tricky to set up but if you get the steps right, it’s not too bad.

First from the Home tab, click on Multilevel list.

Then select Define New Multilevel List.

When the Define new Multilevel list dialog box opens, click on the More button at the bottom.

The box will expand to display more options. Click on the button that says Legal Style Numbering.

Notice the levels at the left (1 – 9) and how they’re indented.  You can click on any of them to see and change details of how they’re set up.

Notice also that the number for any level is actually a field code in gray. You can add any separator before or after that number. For example, parentheses before and after or a period. But make sure you don’t delete the number in grey.

You can change the Number formatting, but if what you want is the style as you indicated above, you can leave the levels as they are.

Once you apply the formatting, you can increase or increase the format level by using the tab key or the Indent and Outdent buttons on your toolbar.

At the first level, your headings will appear at the left margin.

When you are ready for the next level, hit the Tab key or the Indent icon.

To return to a prior level either press Shift Tab or the Outdent icon.

The (c) was changed to a 3.

To apply the numbering format to existing text, select the text and choose the list level you created.

Use the Tab/Indent and Shift Tab/Outdent from any paragraph to move the text from one level to another.


Voilá! You’ve got a legal style numbered list.

