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Microsoft Word Tips
How do you import a CSV file into a Word document?
You can open a CSV file like any other Word document since it is a text file. If all the information is text information it's relatively easy. But if it contains numeric values you might have to work a little. The following information came from a spreadsheet...
Can I copy and save an Image Out of Microsoft Word?
Actually, you can. Right-click on the image and select Save as picture... I tried it with two different image formats, jpg and png, and then inserted the saved images into a separate document. In both cases, Word recognized the image type when it was saving them. ...
How do I put a border on only the top and bottom of an image in Microsoft Word?
Probably the easiest way to do this in versions of Word later than 2007 is to create a table with one cell and fit the image into the table. Check the width of the image on the Picture Tools Format tab. Click on the image, and then on the Insert tab, select Table and...
How can I include only part of an image caption in a table of figures in Microsoft Word?
You can use something called a Style Separator, which is a special form of a hidden paragraph mark. According to Microsoft, this is what the Style Separator is used for: The style separator is a newly introduced feature since Word 2002 and Word 2003. Style separator...
Can I disable spell/grammar checking on a custom style in Word?
Sure, you can do this for a style. I'll set up the style with the name 'Code' by defining a quick style here. After selecting the text and right-clicking, choose Styles and Save Selection as a New Quick Style.... When the Create New Style from Formatting box...
How to remove table in MS Word while retaining the text inside of it?
To convert a table to text, select the table and on the Table Layout tab on the ribbon click on Convert to Text. Depending on how your table is set up, choose how to separate the text. Because this table information is in columns, the option for Tabs is selected....
How do I fix commas without a following space?
In the following example, there are several commas that are missing spaces before the next word. You can do a Find and Replace to fix this. Copy the following wildcard string and paste it into the Find What section. (,)([! ]) Copy the following string and paste it...
In Microsoft Word, I am having a problem making a hyperlink refer to a page in my current document.
If you want to link to another spot in your document, make sure that you set it up correctly. In this example, I’ve got three bullets that I want to link to sections further in my document. I’ll go to the first section that I want to jump to and create a bookmark....
How do you type text after pasting a picture in Microsoft Word? It lets you type text before the picture, but you cannot click below the picture to type text.
Don’t forget that you have to create a new paragraph after you insert the image. If I add an image and click underneath, I may not be able to enter text right away. Once you press Enter and create a new paragraph, you can start adding text. So just create a paragraph...
When I make a numbered list in Microsoft Word is it possible to highlight a specific number without highlighting the words?
It helps if you can see the non-printing characters. To make them display, click on the Paragraph Symbol mark in the Paragraph section of the Home tab. You can select that paragraph symbol with the mouse. At that point you can click on Bold and also another color if...
How do I make a chart in Microsoft Word?
Click on the Insert menu and select Chart. Select the Chart type you want. In this example, the type is Pie in 3D. Click OK. An sample Excel worksheet opens with sample data. How much data depends on what type of chart you chose. Start replacing the sample labels and...
Would it be possible to omit the background of an image directly in Microsoft Word?
With Word 2010 and later you can use the Remove Background feature. Click on the image and select Remove Background from the Picture Format tab. Word will try to guess which part of the image is the background, and it will mark the area with a magenta fill. It will...